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Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories - Hotline

Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

Call Hotline Number - اتصال الخط الساخن

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Business Info - معلومات عامة

Medical Services
Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories - hotline

You can get in touch with Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories customer service hotline number or any of the other contact points on this page. You can also find the nearst branch to your current location.

Contact Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories

You can contact Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories through any of the customer service links below:

Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories Website

Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories Facebook page

Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories Whatsapp number

Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories Instagram account



Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories Nearest Branch

Mabaret El Asafra Laboratories Branches

432 Malak Hefny St., El asafra, Alexandria.


25 Champillion St., Azarita, Alexandria.


4 Syria St., Roushdy, Alexandria.


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