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Asfour Crystal - Hotline

Asfour Crystal hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

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Asfour Crystal - hotline

More than fifty-five years have passed since the launch of Asfour Crystal, the leading firm in the domain of crystal manufacturing applications, globally. Asfour’s workforce consists of an elite of experts and some of the best engineers, administrators and workers whose number exceeds 5000 employees. Those fine men and women spare no effort or time to ensure that our clients receive nothing but unique and special products.

Contact Asfour Crystal

You can contact Asfour Crystal through any of the customer service links below:

Asfour Crystal Website

Asfour Crystal Facebook page

Asfour Crystal Whatsapp number

Asfour Crystal Instagram account



Asfour Crystal Nearest Branch

Asfour Crystal Branches

Ring Rd., Baron City, El katameya, Cairo.


Plot 224 El Tesaeen St., Commercial Zone, 5th Compound, New cairo, Cairo.


Rd. 53, 1St District, 7th Zone, 5th Compound, New cairo, Cairo.


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