Asfour Crystal Branches
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Ring Rd., Baron City, El katameya, Cairo.
Plot 224 El Tesaeen St., Commercial Zone, 5th Compound, New cairo, Cairo.
Rd. 53, 1St District, 7th Zone, 5th Compound, New cairo, Cairo.
60 Makram Ebaid St., 6th Zone, Nasr city, Cairo.
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El Nasr Rd., Intersection Of Cairo Suez Rd., Almaza, Heliopolis, Cairo.
56 Joseph Tito St., El Henawy Tower, El nozha el gadida, Cairo.
Ring Rd., Cairo Festival City, New cairo, Cairo.
, El Moushir Tantawy Spine, 5th Compound, New cairo, Cairo.
Omar Ibn El Khattab St., Nasr city, Cairo.
5 Crystal Asfour St., Off 15th Of May St., Industrial Zone, Shoubra el khaymah, Kaliobeya.
13 Abdel Rahman Eid St., Off Shokry El Qawatly St., El mahalla el kobra, El gharbeya.
37 Hassan Radwan St., Tanta, El gharbeya.
Customer Service, Shoubra el khaymah, Kaliobeya.
112 Mohy El Din Abou El Ezz St., Mohandeseen, Giza.
Misr Ismaileya Desert Rd., Golf City, Obour city, Kaliobeya.
Km 6, , Alex. cairo desert rd., Alexandria.
256 Port Said St., Cleopatra hamamat, Alexandria.
152 El Shaheed Salah Mostafa St., Talkha, El dakahleya.
Petroleum Division, Crystal Tower, Assyout, Assyout.
, Central Spine, Intersection Of 26th Of July Spine, 6th of october, Giza.
Hurghada Safaga Rd., Villages rd., Hurghada.
5 Crystal Asfour St., Off 15th Of May St., Industrial Zone, Shoubra el khaymah, Kaliobeya.
33 Salah Salem St., Talkha, El dakahleya.