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Diet House hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

Call Hotline Number - اتصال الخط الساخن

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Contact Diet House

You can contact Diet House through any of the customer service links below:

Diet House Website

Diet House Facebook page

Diet House Whatsapp number

Diet House Instagram account



Diet House Nearest Branch

Business Info - معلومات عامة

Restaurants & Cafes
Diet House - hotline

Diet House is the first healthy fast-food chain in Egypt that serves guilt-free food. Inspired by the idea that you can eat a meal that is just as yummy as fast food, Diet House serves items like burgers,pizza sandwiches, entrees and desserts made with all natural ingredients and half the calories then any fast-food restaurant

Diet House Branches

Address: 10074 Carrefour Street, City Center Building, under King

Sat - Fri 10:00 AM - 10:30 PM

16513 0225210158

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