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El Rezeiky Pharmacies - Hotline

El Rezeiky Pharmacies hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

Call Hotline Number - اتصال الخط الساخن

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Business Info - معلومات عامة

El Rezeiky Pharmacies - hotline

Al-Ruzaiqi Pharmacies work to increase the patient’s medical awareness and, on the other hand, in the field of skin care, hair, cosmetics and medical supplies throughout 24 hours.

Contact El Rezeiky Pharmacies

You can contact El Rezeiky Pharmacies through any of the customer service links below:

El Rezeiky Pharmacies Website

El Rezeiky Pharmacies Facebook page

El Rezeiky Pharmacies Whatsapp number

El Rezeiky Pharmacies Instagram account



El Rezeiky Pharmacies Nearest Branch

El Rezeiky Pharmacies Branches

35 El Galaa St., Ramsis St., Downtown, Cairo.

0225747300 Whatsapp

16 El Qolaly St., Off Shanan St., El sabteya, Cairo.

0225742870 Whatsapp

7 Taha Hussein St., El nozha el gadida, Cairo.

0226241111 Whatsapp

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