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Nafea Group-JAC - Hotline

Nafea Group-JAC hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

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Nafea Group-JAC - hotline

JAC has succeeded over the years to reach a great reputation through the products and services offered that are of high quality, flexibility and durability. And the primary factor for this achievement is commitment to exceed the expectations of our customers.

Contact Nafea Group-JAC

You can contact Nafea Group-JAC through any of the customer service links below:

Nafea Group-JAC Website

Nafea Group-JAC Facebook page

Nafea Group-JAC Whatsapp number

Nafea Group-JAC Instagram account



Nafea Group-JAC Nearest Branch

Nafea Group-JAC Branches

, Customer Service, Mokattam, Cairo.


Plot 6223 Rd. 9, Off Hassan El Akbar St., Mokattam, Cairo.


8 Secon Bldgs. El Nozha St., Ard El Golf, Heliopolis, Cairo.


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