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Bonjorno cafe - Hotline

Bonjorno cafe hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

Call Hotline Number - اتصال الخط الساخن

🔥 تابعنا الان و تعرف على جديد الخدمات و عروض خاصة من خلال صفحتنا على الفيس بوك

Business Info - معلومات عامة

Food & Beverage
Bonjorno cafe - hotline

Caravan Foods was established in 2003 as a marketing and distribution operation initially serving the local Egyptian market with a range of soluble coffee products sold under the brand : Bonjorno Café

Contact Bonjorno cafe

You can contact Bonjorno cafe through any of the customer service links below:

Bonjorno cafe Website

Bonjorno cafe Facebook page

Bonjorno cafe Whatsapp number

Bonjorno cafe Instagram account



Bonjorno cafe Nearest Branch

Bonjorno cafe Branches

, Customer Service, Industrial Zone, 6th of october, Giza.


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