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Arab Dairy - Hotline

Arab Dairy hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

Call Hotline Number - اتصال الخط الساخن

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Business Info - معلومات عامة

Food & Beverage
Arab Dairy - hotline

The Arab Company for Dairy Products – Arab Dairy – Panda (an Egyptian joint stock company) was established in September 1985 with a license from the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt in accordance with the provisions of Investment Law No. 43 of 1974 and its implementing regulations, provided that the term of the company is twenty-five years starting from the date of its acquisition of the legal personality. The term of the company has been extended for twenty-five years, starting from the end of the previous period on September 8, 2010, provided that the company’s head office is 1/29 Industrial Zone – Katameya, and the company’s factory is located in Sandbis, Qalyubia Governorate.

Contact Arab Dairy

You can contact Arab Dairy through any of the customer service links below:

Arab Dairy Website

Arab Dairy Facebook page

Arab Dairy Whatsapp number

Arab Dairy Instagram account



Arab Dairy Nearest Branch

Arab Dairy Branches

Plot 29 S, , Industrial Zone, El katameya, Cairo.


, Sendbis Village, El qanatir el khayriyah, Kaliobeya.


Customer Service, El qanatir el khayriyah, Kaliobeya.


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