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Street 306 - Hotline

Street 306 hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

Call Hotline Number - اتصال الخط الساخن

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Contact Street 306

You can contact Street 306 through any of the customer service links below:

Street 306 Website

Street 306 Facebook page

Street 306 Whatsapp number

Street 306 Instagram account



Street 306 Nearest Branch

Business Info - معلومات عامة

Restaurants & Cafes
Street 306 - hotline

“Street 306”, throughout Egypt’s governorates. Whereas the project is aiming to cluster and help young entrepreneurs in the street food and other businesses to set up enterprises that comply with international standards. Such project is an added value to our national economy considering the new markets it will open and the job opportunities it will create for the youth.

Street 306 Branches

El Nasr Rd., Sheraton Bldgs., Heliopolis, Cairo.


Rd. 250, Victoria Sq., Degla, Maadi, Cairo.


, Extension Of El Guish St., Intersection Of El Corniche St., Stadium Area, 2nd District, Tanta, El gharbeya.


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