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Remas Land - Hotline

Remas Land hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

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Business Info - معلومات عامة

Food & Beverage
Remas Land - hotline

Remas Land Company for Dairy Products was established in 2009, and the main goal was to produce natural healthy dairy products free of preservatives, so our products got a good reputation in the local market and the history of our products is evidenced by that.

Contact Remas Land

You can contact Remas Land through any of the customer service links below:

Remas Land Website

Remas Land Facebook page

Remas Land Whatsapp number

Remas Land Instagram account



Remas Land Nearest Branch

Remas Land Branches

Mostafa Hafez St., Intersection Of El Wehda El Arabeya St., Ain shams, Cairo.


, Old Market, Shop 70, Al rehab city, Cairo.


, Extension Of Makram Ebaid St., 8th District, Nasr city, Cairo.


Remas Land Branches >>
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