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Go Bus Egypt - Hotline number

Go Bus Egypt hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

Call Hotline Number - اتصال الخط الساخن

Business Info - معلومات عامة

Travel & Tourism
Go Bus Egypt - hotline

Go Bus is the first private sector company operating in the area of public transportation. Go Bus provides technical solutions by using information and communication technology to improve passenger transportation services and works on developing its benefits for the public to simplify their lives. Contact customer services hotline number and find out station locations.

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Get in Touch - وسائل اتصال

About Go Bus Egypt

Gobus or go bus is an Egyptian stock company, working in the field of road transport by buses inside Egypt between Egyptian cities and governorates, as well as outside Egypt to Libya, and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. , owns and provides several services and brands in the field of transportation such as Go Mini, Go Limo, Capital, and Golden Horse. The number of the company’s branches reaches 40 branches throughout the Republic, and it provides transportation services in 21 cities inside Egypt, and the company’s fleet reached at the end of the year 2021 to 200 buses.

Go Bus Egypt Contact numbers

You can get in touch with Go Bus Egypt by calling the hotline and phone numbers below :

Hotline : 19567
Landlines: -
Fax: -

Go Bus Egypt Products and Services

Go Bus provides road transportation services between many governorates inside Egypt, such as Port Said, Cairo, Hurghada, Alexandria, the North Coast, and others. The stations are also spread in several places within many cities in Egypt. Go Bus provides many categories of buses and provides many regular and electronic payment and reservation methods through the site and various mobile applications..

Go Bus Egypt Online

Get in touch with Go Bus Egypt customer service and learn about the products and services through the website and the social media links listed below.

Website :
Email: -

Go Bus Egypt Branches

, Customer Service, Nasr city, Cairo.

19567 Whatsapp

4 El Galaa St., Abdel Moneim Riad Sq., Downtown, Cairo.


El Dobbat Bldgs. El Nasr Rd., El Gabal El Akhdar, Nasr city, Cairo.

19567 Whatsapp

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