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Well Spring Egypt - Hotline

Well Spring Egypt hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

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Business Info - معلومات عامة

Well Spring Egypt - hotline

We believe the most effective way to communicate with the young children is via challenging activities and hands-on learning. True to our slogan we encourage children to let their natural desires surface to the outside. Now WellSpring is able to serve 200,000 individuals, this includes overnight, day camps, father/mother and child camps, governmental and local school camps and international camps held in USA, Poland, Greece, Italy and Ukraine. Wellspring is present also in Lebanon and Morocco. WellSpring is accredited by both Leadership Development International (LDI) and WinShape International.

Contact Well Spring Egypt

You can contact Well Spring Egypt through any of the customer service links below:

Well Spring Egypt Website

Well Spring Egypt Facebook page

Well Spring Egypt Whatsapp number

Well Spring Egypt Instagram account



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