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Miraco - Hotline

Miraco hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

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Business Info - معلومات عامة

Miraco - hotline

In 1976, Miraco was founded as a joint stock company by its Chairman Adel Barakat, who has been in the industry over 44 years. The original factory, built in 1979 in Abu Rewash, was 5,400 m2 and had a production capacity of 2,000 Boxes per year with a total workforce of 250 employees. In 1992, Miraco signed a joint venture agreement with Carrier Corporation. Since then Miraco Carrier has become the largest heating, ventilation and air conditioning company in Africa.

Contact Miraco

You can contact Miraco through any of the customer service links below:

Miraco Website

Miraco Facebook page

Miraco Whatsapp number

Miraco Instagram account



Miraco Nearest Branch

Miraco Branches

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