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Ora Development - Hotline

Ora Development hotline number, customer service number, phone number, egypt

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Ora Development - hotline

Ora Developers is a leading name in the field of designing and developing luxury lifestyle destinations in unique locations. We bring world-class expertise, exceptional attention to detail and visionary ideas to every landmark project we work on.

Contact Ora Development

You can contact Ora Development through any of the customer service links below:

Ora Development Website

Ora Development Facebook page

Ora Development Whatsapp number

Ora Development Instagram account



Ora Development Nearest Branch

Ora Development Branches

6 Tut Ankh Amoun St., Semouha, Alexandria.


84 Sabry Abou Alam St., Shebein el kawm, El monofeya.


Talaat Harb St., Off El Zohour Sq., Shebein el kawm, El monofeya.


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