Auto Jameel Branches
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24 Abdel Razeq El Sanhoury St. Off Makram Ebaid St., 6th District, Nasr city, Cairo.
24 Abdel Razeq El Sanhoury st., Off Makram Ebaid St., 6th Zone, Nasr city, Cairo.
9 A El Qobba St., Roxy, Heliopolis, Cairo.
Zaker Hussein St., Nasr city, Cairo.
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, Industrial Zone, Abou rawash, Giza.
5th Plot, Block 13001, 1St Industrial Zone, Obour city, Kaliobeya.
Albert El Awal St., Off Fawzy Moaz St., El Orkid Bldg., Semouha, Alexandria.
163 Sudan St., Mohandeseen, Giza.
14th Of May Rd., Semouha, Alexandria.
38 Soliman Abaza St., Intersection Of Gamaet El Dewal El Arabeya St., Mohandeseen, Giza.
El Qabbary High Rd., Moharram bey, Alexandria.