IBuild Egypt Branches
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2 Ayman Ramadan St., El haram, Giza.
72 Mohamed Awadallah St., Miami, Alexandria.
El Nady St., Tanta, El gharbeya.
2nd District, New damietta, Damietta.
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zawyet el naggar st., Qalyub, Kaliobeya.
25 Qerdahy St., Roushdy, Alexandria.
km 11, Alex Agricultural Rd., Abbis, Alexandria.
1 El Dakahleya St., El salam district, Ismaileya.
El Guish St., Disuq, Kafr el sheikh.
Km 19.5, Alex Matrouh Rd., Abou youssef, Alexandria.
215 Sudan St., Mohandeseen, Giza.
15th Of May St., Shoubra el khaymah, Kaliobeya.