Pasta 2Go Branches
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2 A Dr. Mahmoud Ibrahim St., 6th Zone, Nasr city, Cairo.
14 Samir Said Ahmed St., El Pasha Sq., El manyal, Cairo.
17 El Sayed El Merghany St., Roxy, Heliopolis, Cairo.
140 26th Of July St., Zamalek, Cairo.
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37 Hassan Aflatoun St. Off El Nozha St., Ard El Golf, Heliopolis, Cairo.
Plot 79 Rd. 17, Off Ekhnatoun St., 1St District Services Zone, 5th Compound, New cairo, Cairo.
7 El Saraya Bldgs., Central Spine, 6th of october, Giza.
Km 28,, Cairo alex desert rd., Giza.
Km 28, , Cairo alex desert rd., Giza.
Km 33 Cairo Suez Rd., Madinty, Cairo.
8 El Shaheed Sayed Zakareya St., Sheraton Bldgs., Heliopolis, Cairo.
Misr Ismaileya Desert Rd., Golf City, Obour city, Kaliobeya.
Gamal Abdel Nasser St., Shebein el kawm, El monofeya.
27 Hassan Ibn Thabet St. Intersection Of Omar Ibn Abdel Aziz St., Tanta, El gharbeya.
El Naql & El Handasa St., Smouha Sporting Club Wall, Semouha, Alexandria.
62 Ahmed Fakhry St., Off El Harouny St., 6th District, Nasr city, Cairo.
Shaarawy St., Loran, Alexandria.
1 El Awqaf Investment Bldgs. El Rashah St., Qalyub, Kaliobeya.
73 Abdel Aziz Fahmy St., Saint Fatima, Heliopolis, Cairo.
El Guish Rd., Sidi gaber, Alexandria.
16 Secon Bldgs. El Nozha St., Ard El Golf, Heliopolis, Cairo.
El Obour St., Off El Tesaeen St., 5th Compound, New cairo, Cairo.
Misr Ismaileya Desert Rd., Golf City, Obour city, Kaliobeya.
Km 136 Alex Matrouh Desert Rd., Sidi abdel rahman, North coast.
29 Mostafa Kamel St., Floor 1, Maadi, Cairo.
Km 136 Alex Matrouh Desert Rd., Sidi abdel rahman, North coast.
Food Court, Al rehab city, Cairo.
El Obour St., Off El Tesaeen St., 5th Compound, New cairo, Cairo.
El Wahat Rd., 6th of october, Giza.
Plot 79 Rd. 17, Off Ekhnatoun St., 1St District Services Zone, 5th Compound, New cairo, Cairo.
8 El Shaheed Sayed Zakareya St., Sheraton Bldgs., Heliopolis, Cairo.
7 El Saraya Bldgs., Central Spine, 7th District, 6th of october, Giza.
El Naql & El Handasa St., Smouha Sporting Club Wall, Semouha, Alexandria.
Gamaet El Dewal El Arabeya St., Mohandeseen, Giza.
Home Delivery, Ard El Golf, Heliopolis, Cairo.
El Tesaeen St., City Center, 5th Compound, New cairo, Cairo.